Department of Chemistry, Okayama University
Masazumi Fujiwara, PhD
Research Professor / Associate Professor (Lab. Head)
藤原 正澄,研究教授/准教授,博士(理学)
Masazumi (Zumi) received his PhD in physics at Osaka City University in 2008. He worked for quantum nanophotonics at Hokkaido Univ. (2009-2014) and Humboldt Univ. Berlin (2013-2015). Since 2015, he has been working for quantum sensing at Kwansei Gakuin Univ. (2015-2016), Osaka City Univ. (2016-2021), and Okayama Univ. (2021-present). See the detailed bibliography.
Ashutosh Rathi, PhD
Assistant Professor (specially appointed)
アシュトシュ ラティ, 助教(特任), 博士 (理学)

Ashutosh Rathi focuses on developing and utilizing advanced photo-magnetic techniques, primarily leveraging quantum defects in (nano)diamond, to explore biological systems. Previously, he worked on quantum sensing and malaria diagnostics at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras and time-resolved optical spectroscopy at the Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin. He earned his PhD in Physics from the National Physical Laboratory of India.
Keisuke Oshimi, PhD
JSPS Postdoctoral Resarch Fellow
押味 佳裕,日本学術振興会特別研究員PD,博士(理学)
Keisuke is working on the development of nanodiamond ODMR/Thermometry system for intracellular temperature measurements. He obtained BComm in 2019 and MSc in 2021 at Osaka City University and PhD in Chemistry in 2024 at Okayama University. He was awarded to OU-Fellowship, JSPS-fellowship. He loves playing piano pieces by Beethoven (Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movt, Waldstein Sonata 3rd Movt).
Eriko Suyama
Technical Assistant
須山 絵里子,技術補佐員

Eriko is working on group administration and experimental support for our research. She knows best about Okayama among us!
Sara Mandic
PhD student, Receipient of Okayama University Felloship
マンディッチ サラ,大学院生(博士後期課程)OUフェローシップ受給者

Sara is interested in analytical chemistry applications on biological samples. She is investigating thermotaxis behavior of C. elegans, and molecular mechanisms behind it, by combining quantum thermometry with different imaging techniques. Before coming to Japan, she received a Master's degree in Biomedical Sciences/Medical imaging from Maastricht University in the Netherlands.
Mina Tavakkoli
PhD student
タヴ ァコリ ミナ,大学院生(博士後期課程)

Mina received her MSc in Nanotechnology Engineering - Nanoelectronics from University of Tabriz in Iran. Her latest achievements was published in Plasmonics journal. She primarily works on application of nanodiamond thermometry to cellular thermal analysis. Her research interest is development of nanophotonic biosensors in cell research. She loves art, especially oil painting and chiaroscuro.
Takaki Arakawa
Master Course Student
荒川 貴紀,大学院生(博士前期課程)

Takaki is curious about the state of the cells at different temperature and is going to study it. He would like to further develop the research in the future master's course.
Hiromu Nakashima
Master Course Student
中島 大夢,大学院生(博士前期課程)

Hiromu is interested in measurement device mechanism and nanodiamonds and is studying microwave antennas and loop gap resonator. He was a transfer student from National Institute of Technology Tsuyama college in 2021.
Fumiya Kamada
Master Course Student
鎌田 郁矢,大学院生(博士前期課程)

Fumiya is interested in the analysis of nanomaterials and biology and is studying calcium imaging. He has been a transfer student from National Anan Institute of Technology in 2022.
Kazuki Kinjo
Master Course Student
金城 和樹,大学院生(博士前期課程)

Kazuki is interested in surface modification of nanodiamonds.
He is learning various chemical synthesis and trying new functional groups.
Kanata Okajima
Bachelor Student
岡島 奏太,学部生

Kanata is interested in nano-heaters and nano-thermometers and is studying composites of gold nanoparticles and nanodiamonds.
Nahono Komatsu
Bachelor Student
小松 奈穂乃,学部生

Nahono is interested in development of a new device and biology and is studying stage-top incubator and nanodiamonds.
Yumiko Taki
Bachelor Student
滝 由美子,学部生

Yumiko is interested in temperature effect to metabolism. She is studying Ca imaging of C. elegans.